Thank You’s
Our hearts are full of gratitude for the outpouring of love and support you have shown us during this difficult time. The prayers, plant, cards, visits, and meals have been a great comfort as we grieve the loss of my dear husband and our loving dad, Tommy. Your kindness and compassion have truly been a source of strength for our family. We are deeply blessed to be part of such a caring church family, and we thank for you for walking alongside us in our sorrow. May God bless each of you as you have blessed us, The Family of Tommy Thomas
Our amazing church family is a true gift of God. The outpouring of care and love that was shown to our family over the past week sustained us through the loss of Kay. And, while the loss is certainly there, your acts of love helped to overcome the grief and showed us the amazing grace of our Lord and his promise to those that claim his free gift of salvation. Kay loved and cared deeply for this church and your presence at her Celebration of Life Service showed how much you all loved her. With Love and appreciation, The Family of Kay Skelton
Daisy’s Little Red Wagon
Save the date and be collecting coins for our kids offering on April 13th.
CASA Family Mission Trip, June 27-July 5
Registration is still open for our family mission trip to Casa de la Esperanza. The cost is $300. Register at Contact Basil for questions.
Grief Share for Women
This is a Recovery and Support group for those grieving the loss of a family member or friend. A new 13 week program for women only will begin on Saturday, March 29 from 10-12 noon in Room D. For registration and more information please contact Jeanette Maloney (940-902-5621) or Ashley Tharp (970-589-2218).
Cocoa, Cookies & Crochet
Ladies, 10 and up, make plans to join us for our ladies event this Tuesday, March 25th at 5:30-7:30 PM in the atrium. Instruction will be provided along with all the supplies. Childcare will also be available.
Ladies Retreat, April 25-27
It is time to get serious about signing up for the Ladies Retreat! Secure your spot by signing up at It will be a sweet time of Renewal!
Youth Ministry
Save the Dates
May 4: Senior Sunday
May 25th-30th: Boles Mission Trip (Registration will open soon)
June 22-27th: Camp Horizon (Registration is open)
This Week’s Daily Bible Readings:
March 23rd: Judges 13-15
March 24th: Judges 16-18
March 25th: Judges 19-21
March 26th: Ruth 1-4
March 27th: 1 Samuel 1-3
March 28th: 1 Samuel 4-8
March 29th: 1 Samuel 9-12
March 30th: 1 Samuel 13-14
Park Avenue Wednesday Supper
Join us this Wednesday for our PAWS meal at 5:15 PM. We are having Hot Sandwiches, Chips, Pasta Salad, Salad Bar & Dessert. The meal will be prepared by Shelly Calvert and her team. Serving starts at 5:15 PM and stops promptly at 6:15 PM.
Prayer Requests
Prayer List—Jim Scroggins, Judy Odom, Carol Coburn, Jimmy Elmore, Patrick Mullins, Eric Knipling, Peggy Porter, Connie Thompson, Jimmy Rosser
Ongoing Needs—Chris Reinsch, Elizabeth Phillips, Waymon Hinson, Sandra Aynes, Che Che Smith, Arlene Joines
Homebound—Joyce Martin, Daisy Miller
Expectant Mothers—Abigail Brooks
Missions—Hammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Adrian & Gabriela Galvan (Paraiso, Monterrey)
Friends of Park Avenue—Rebekah Taylor, Nicholas Taylor (great niece & nephew of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, former Director of orphanage in Mexico), Sara Softness (daughter-in-law of Bob & Linda Tollison), Janice Johnson (friend of Carol McClure), Larry Moss (friend of Tracy Woodall), Lori Fisher (friend of Joyce Henshaw)
Please notify the church office at for updates.
Good morning and welcome to our worship services. If you are a guest with us today, our prayer is that you are blessed by our time of worship. We invite you to talk with any of us about how God is working in the Park Avenue Church.
In our sermon time this morning, I will continue our journey through 1 Thessalonians, focusing on 4:1-12. As I've noted throughout this series of sermons, the church at Thessalonica is a model church, but that does not mean it is a perfect church. Twice in this section Paul uses the phrase "more and more" (vv. 1, 10). There are always areas in a church and in an individual that require consistent growth. Our entire life in Christ is one of continued growth as we seek to live a holier life. This process is often referred to as sanctification.
As I have also noted in my sermons, Park Avenue is a good church, but, may I add, not a perfect church. We need to commit ourselves to ongoing growth as we strive to represent God more and more fully.
April is a big month here at PACOC, culminating with Easter Sunday and our Grace Offering on Sunday, April 20. See the graphic below for the events leading up to Grace Offering. This year we are going to offer two services on Easter Sunday to accommodate the typically larger crowd. More details will be coming soon.
Allow me to encourage all of you to prayerfully consider your financial gift to this year's Grace Offering. We are asking a lot of you, but that is because we see so many opportunities here in our community and throughout the world to spread the seeds of the kingdom. All of Easter's offering will go to just that—sharing with the world the Good News that Jesus is risen from the dead!
Sunday Schedule
Adult Bible Classes
9AM Room D & Youth Suite
9AM Sonshine Hour for kids 4 years old to 6th grade in ARK for parents attending Bible Class
10:00 AM
Children Dismissed to Bible Classes at
0 - 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center
Youth Group Activities
Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)
Meet at various times and locations