Our sympathy is with the Thomas family after the passing of Tommy Thomas on February 26th. Funeral services will be held at PACOC this Saturday, March 8th at 2:00 PM.
Thank You
There are not enough words to describe the gratitude, for our brothers and sisters in Christ, here at Park Ave. We love and cherish all of the outpouring of love you have all shown to our family. We are so blessed to be family with you all. The Oliver & Earnhart Family 
Wedding Shower
Join us TODAY from 1:30-3:00 PM in the Atrium for a wedding shower honoring Bao Catteau and Lauren Robinson. They are registered at Amazon, Target, and Pottery Barn.
Ladies Retreat, April 25-27
It is time to get serious about signing up for the Ladies Retreat!  Secure your spot by signing up at It will be a sweet time of Renewal! 
CASA Family Mission Trip
Registration is now open for our family mission trip to Casa de la Esperanza. The cost is $300. Register at  Contact Basil for questions.  
The Big Event
Join in on Denison's 2nd annual Big Event—a spring cleanup community project on Sat.  March 22 from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. We will be helping residents and non-profit businesses in the City of Denison who might need a little assistance with outdoor projects (painting fences, yard clean up, gardening, repairs, etc.) Sign up at or contact the church office.
Wedding Invitation
You are invited to the wedding of Paul Waggoner  & Bonnie Clarkson here at PACOC on Saturday,  March 22 at 2:00 PM.  Please drop them a note to let them know you will be coming.
Daylight Savings
Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward one hour this coming Saturday night.
Daisy’s Little Red Wagon
Save the date and be collecting coins for our kids offering on April 13th.  If you need a can you can pick one up from the welcome centers today.
Cocoa, Cookies & Crochet Rescheduled
We have had to reschedule this ladies event. It will now be on Tuesday, March 25th at 5:30-7:30 PM in the atrium.  Instruction will be provided along with all the supplies. Childcare will also be available.  Mark your calendar!
Youth Ministry

  • March 2nd: We hope to see you at Connect from 5-7:30pm!   Dinner will be provided!
  • March 22nd: Join us for the Big Event! See Tyler for more details!
  • May 4th: Senior Sunday! Here are the Seniors we have so far: Justin Brandt, Beth Kirkbride, Drew Harrison, Alyson Milner, Kassidy Ross, Shelby Russell, Austin Reinsch, Jaylon Johnson, Brayden McAlister, Buckley Turner. If we have missed someone please let Tyler know as soon as possible.

Bible Reading
Please note our daily Bible readings for the coming week:
March 2nd: Deuteronomy 8-10
March 3rd: Deuteronomy 11-13
March 4th: Deuteronomy 14-16
March 5th: Deuteronomy 17-20
March 6th: Deuteronomy 21-23
March 7th: Deuteronomy 24-27
March 8th: Deuteronomy 28-29
March 9th: Deuteronomy 30-31
Park Avenue Wednesday Supper
Join us this Wednesday for our PAWS meal at 5:15 PM. We are having Hamburgers, Hotdogs & Veggie Burgers, Salad and Dessert. The meal will be prepared by Amyee McAlister and her team. Serving starts at 5:15 PM and stops promptly at 6:15 PM
Prayer Requests
Prayer List—Judy Odom, Jane Smith-Williams, Carol Coburn, Jimmy Elmore, Arlene Joines, Patrick Mullins, Eric Knipling, Peggy Porter, Connie Thompson
Ongoing Needs—Chris Reinsch, Elizabeth Phillips, Waymon Hinson, Sandra Aynes, Jim Scroggins, Che Che Smith
Homebound—Joyce Martin, Daisy Miller
Expectant Mothers—Mallory Smith, Abigail Brooks
MissionsHammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Adrian & Gabriela Galvan (Paraiso, Monterrey)
Friends of Park Avenue—Allen Bernard (Director of Center Cross Ministries), Rebekah Taylor, Nicholas Taylor (great niece & nephew of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, former Director of orphanage in Mexico), Sara Softness (daughter-in-law of Bob & Linda Tollison), Janice Johnson (friend of Carol McClure), Larry Moss (friend of Tracy Woodall), Lori Fisher (friend of Joyce Henshaw)
Please notify the church office at for updates.
Good morning and welcome to our worship services. If you are a guest with us today, our prayer is that you are blessed by our time of worship. We invite you to talk with any of us about how God is working in the Park Avenue Church.
As you can see on the reverse side of the Messenger, there's a lot going on with many ways to serve and connect. If you have questions about any activity or ministry, feel free to contact a minister, and we will be glad to point you in the right direction.
In our sermon time this morning, I will continue our journey through 1 Thessalonians. This church was established by Paul, Silas, and Timothy during the second missionary journey recorded in the book of Acts. After having to leave abruptly, Paul sent this encouraging and heartfelt letter. Today we will focus on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10, where Paul offers high praise for this young church.
Pressing On
I want to update all of you on our continuing vision casting for PACOC. Three work teams have been established to explore the best ways to prepare for the next decade:

  1. One team is focusing on staff needs, especially in light of Tyler's move to a new role and our current need to find a new youth minister.
  2. A second group is assessing facility needs, considering questions of preparing for growth and addressing necessary updates to our buildings.
  3. A third team is focusing on our ministry structure and exploring how we can best serve the church and share the gospel with our community.

As always, we ask for your prayers as we 
Press On to being the church that honors God and lives fully into our calling as the body of Christ.


Sunday Schedule
Adult Bible Classes
9AM Room D & Youth Suite
9AM Sonshine Hour for kids 4 years old to 6th grade in ARK for parents attending Bible Class
10:00 AM
Children Dismissed to Bible Classes at
0 - 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center
Youth Group Activities
Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)
Meet at various times and locations