Our sympathy is with Peggy Porter and Janet Douglass after the passing of their brother, Woody Crump, on December 26th.  Services are pending at this time.
Thank You
Thank you for all the cards and gifts I received. You made turning 93 a special birthday. Daisy and myself are so blessed to have such a wonderful Church family. In Christian love, Dorothy Bankston
2025 Budget
The 2025 budget has been set. You can view it at or request a copy from the office.
Man Alive
Men, our next meeting will be on Saturday, January 11th at 8:00 AM in the ARK for breakfast, community and challenge. 
Birthday Celebration
You are invited to help Bill Crabtree celebrate his 80th birthday on Saturday, January 4th in the atrium between 2:00-4:00 PM.  

Area Wide Singing
Western Heights Church of Christ in Sherman is hosting an area wide singing event at Western Heights on Sunday, January 5th from 5:00-6:30 PM. There will be cookies, coffee and hot cocoa along with fellowship.
Our senior adult ministry will meet again on Monday, January 13th at 5:00 PM in the atrium for a game night.  Bring a finger food to share.
Ladies Retreat, April 25-27
Registration is now open for our annual Ladies Retreat at the Prothro Center on Lake Texoma. Becky Brooks will be returning as our speaker. The cost is $125 for overnight retreaters and $75 for day only retreaters. You can register at
New Year Schedule
Wednesday, January 1st – No Church Services/Church Office Closed
Wednesday, January 8th – PAWS is back at 5:15 PM followed by new DMC’s at 6:30 PM.
Youth Ministry

  • Sunday, Dec. 29th: No Youth Group class.
  • Jan. 17th-19th: Winterfest! Sign up by January 8th!

Read The Bible in 2025
Today is the last Sunday of 2024 and as we look forward to 2025.  We are challenging every PACOC member to read through the Bible in 2025. 
Now, you can do that on your own but to maximize this experience, we are encouraging all members to join a Wednesday evening Disciple Making Community (DMC) consisting of no more than 12 people who will go on this journey together. These DMC's will meet from 6:30-7:30 PM throughout our two buildings and process each week's reading together led by a DMC leader.
In addition to Wednesday night options, we are providing a Women's Only Online group on Thursday Evening, a Wednesday Morning Online Group, and a Tuesday Night Men’s Group at the Barnabas Center. Go to to sign up for a group.
If you choose not to participate in a Bible Reading group, we will publish daily readings (see below) in the Messenger that will take you through the Bible in 2025. It may sound daunting, but it only takes 12-15 minutes a day to make it from Genesis to Revelation in a year.
This Week’s Daily Bible Readings:
January 1st – Genesis 1-3
January 2nd – Genesis 4-7
January 3rd – Genesis 8-11
January 4th – Genesis 12-15
January 5th – Genesis 16-18
January 6th – Genesis 19-21
January 7th – Genesis 22-24
January 8th – Genesis 25-26
Prayer Requests
Prayer List—Tommy Thomas, Shelby Russell, Kathy Reinsch, Sylvia Batts, Che Che Smith, Marsha Foltermann
Ongoing Needs—Chris Reinsch, Elizabeth Phillips, Carol McClure,  Sarah Thompson, Lisa Cobble, Waymon Hinson, Patrick Mullins,      Sandra Aynes
Homebound—Joyce Martin, Daisy Miller, Neal Odom
Expectant Mothers—Alissa Cope, Candsis Slaughter, Mallory Smith
MissionsHammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Adrian & Gabriela Galvan (Paraiso, Monterrey)
Friends of Park Avenue—Allen Bernard (Director of Center Cross Ministries), Rebekah Taylor, Nicholas Taylor (great niece & nephew of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, former Director of  orphanage in Mexico), Greg Oliver (father of Karee Earnhart), Marsha Jones (former member), Charlotte Harris (great niece of Steve &     Donna Hodge), Misty Pryor (sister-in-law of David Pryor), Ronny Thomas (brother of Tommy Thomas), Wayne Coble (brother-in-law of Laurie Coble)
Please notify the church office at for updates.


Sunday Schedule
Adult Bible Classes
9AM Room D & Youth Suite
9AM Sonshine Hour for kids 4 years old to 6th grade in ARK for parents attending Bible Class
10:00 AM
Children Dismissed to Bible Classes at
0 - 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center
Youth Group Activities
Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)
Meet at various times and locations