
Congratulations to Xzavier Washingtons who was baptized into Christ by Simeon Banks last week!  We rejoice with Xzavier and his family.

Trunk ‘n Treat

Our Trunk ‘n Treat will be on Sunday, October 27th at 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the church parking lot. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their trunks. We have 30 trunks! Our greatest need right now is candy.  You can place your candy donations in the receptacles at each side of the hallways. 

Stronger Marriage Workshop

The Durant Church of Christ is hosting a free marriage workshop on their campus on Friday, October 18th from 6:45-9:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 19th from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Childcare is available. You must register online to attend.

SAMPACC Game Night

You are invited to join the Senior Adult Ministry tomorrow evening, Monday, October 14 at 6 p.m. in the atrium.  Bring a finger food to share and enjoy some fellowship and games.

Picture Day

On Sundays, October 20th & 27th we will be taking picures, to update our online church directory, in the atrium before and after worship.  If you are a new member or if you have any family updates, stop by the atrium and get your picture taken! No sign up is required.

Operation Christmas Child

It is time again for Operation Christmas Child! Our 5th and 6th graders have been hard at work assembling 400 shoeboxes. Each year, people prayerfully fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, and personal care items for children in need around the world.  These special boxes are joyfully received by boys and girls from 2-14 years old, often as their first gift ever!  Pick up a shoebox this Sunday and let’s see what God will do this year as we seek to bring Him glory through this project. Please return your filled boxes by no later than November 10th.

Fortify Family Retreat

Come have a fun weekend with your Park Avenue Family! Enjoy family worship time, s'mores, devotionals, family walk and talk, and more at a beautiful camp on Lake Texoma. This year Fortify will be November 16-17, from 10 AM Saturday to Sunday afternoon. The cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Register on the app today!

 Youth Ministry

  • 12th-13th: Fall Retreat 2024
  • Sunday, Oct. 13th: No Connect due to Fall Retreat!

PAWS for a Cause

This coming Wednesday, October 16th, we will have a paws for a cause to benefit those affected by the recent hurricane. Amyee McAlister and her team will be preparing Hamburgers, Hotdogs & Veggie Burgers. Your donation will go to Disaster Assistance Church of Christ, a ministry of the Churches of Christ to assist those affected by natural disasters of all types.  For more information or to donate directly to this ministry go to

Prayer Requests:

Prayer List—Keith House, Lisa Cobble, Debbie Black, Madison Francis, Che Che Smith, Waymon Hinson, Patrick Mullins, Neal & Judy Odom, Arlene Joines, Roy Galyon, Floyd Clark

Ongoing Needs—Chris Reinsch, Elizabeth Phillips, Kathy Pryor

 Homebound—Dewey & Joyce Martin, Daisy Miller

 Expectant Mothers—Alissa Cope, Candsis Slaughter

 MissionsHammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Jhon & Deisy Gonzalez (Bogota, Colombia), Adrian & Gabriela Galvan (Paraiso, Monterrey)

 Friends of Park Avenue—Allen Bernard (Director of Center Cross Ministries), Rebekah Taylor, Nicholas Taylor (great niece & nephew of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, former Director of orphanage in Mexico), Greg Oliver (father of Karee Earnhart), Marsha Jones (former member), Charlotte Harris (great niece of Steve & Donna Hodge, Misty Pryor (sister-in-law of David Pryor), Ronny Thomas (brother of Tommy Thomas), Wayne Coble (brother-in-law of Laurie Coble)

 Please notify the church office at for updates.



Good morning and welcome to our worship services this morning.

Today in our sermon time we are happy to have Barry Stephens of the Siburt Institute to share with us an encouraging message from the Word as well as share with us a summary of the data that has been collected over the last several months through our Focus Groups and Church Health Assessment.  Last month Barry shared with the Elders and minsters this information at our Leadership Retreat.

Barry is recently retired after 40 years of ministry, serving for the past 23 as the Senior Minister with the Monterey church in Lubbock, Texas. With degrees from Harding (M.Div. and D.Min.) and a graduate certificate in Conflict Management from Lipscomb, he has taught church leadership and conflict management for the past two decades.  It has been a blessing and a delight to work with Barry as the Park Avenue Church seeks God’s vision for the church as we Press On to the high calling he has for us.

In his presentation today Barry will reference some documents that have been produced by the Siburt Institute for PACOC. Links to those are included in today's sermon notes on the app or by scanning the QR code below. If you would like hard copies of the documents contact the church office and we can get you those.

Next week we will resume our journey through the letter of James. Next week’s text will be James  3:1-4:12. Let me encourage you to read through the letter as James has so much practical advice for us to ensure that our faith is genuine and producing the good works that should naturally flow out of a life of faith.

Glad you are here with us today to worship our Creator!