
Our sympathy is with Nancy Richard after the passing of Bob Richard on Friday, July 12th.  A graveside service will be held at Cedarlawn Cemetery,  Sherman on Tuesday, July 16th at 10AM. 

Thank You
On behalf of me and my entire family I would like to extend the utmost gratitude to our church family. I never knew that so much love could be given. We always feel surrounded and lifted up. I am so glad many years ago my parents decided to become members. The cards, messages, prayers, and financial support has eased our pain. Thank you so much.  Ashley Tharp & Family
Grief Share
We will begin a new 13-week program of Grief Share. This is a recovery and support program for those grieving the death of a family member or friend.  They will meet on Saturdays from 10AM-12 noon in Room D, beginning on July 27th.  You can sign up on the app or contact Stewart Bolerjack for more information.

Serving Opportunities

Young Families
The Children’s Ministry is in need of teachers and assistants on Wednesday nights for the month of August. If you are looking for ways to serve contact Rachel McClure at 903-624-6156.
Barnabas Center
The Barnabas Backpack Buddies are in need of volunteers for their inhouse shopping on the first and third Wednesday and Thursday of each month.  Volunteer positions needed are: 
Assisting in unloading food once a week, Organizing and Stocking shelves, Checking food expiration dates, Organizing refrigeration units, Redistributing excess items to other agencies, Communication through scheduling, newsletters, and thank you notes.
Contact Karen Elmore at 903-816-0121 or Jimmy Elmore at 903-815-4480 for more information.
Park Avenue Wednesday Suppers
We are in need of leaders and helpers to prepare our Park Avenue Wednesday Suppers. If you can help and are willing to serve in this way contact Shelly Calvert at (972) 989-7025.
Christian Theater Workshop
Christian Theater Workshop is upon us!  Our 2024 Day Camp will be Monday through Friday, July 15-19 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Those who have registered can pick up your script from the tables in the Atrium. The camp is full and we will not be accepting any walk-ins this year. We would like to invite you to one of the performances. We will have  two performances next Saturday at 12 noon and 7 p.m. The final performance will be next Sunday at 4:00p.m.

This Wednesday

There will be no PAWS and no classes this Wedneday, July 17th. PAWS and classes will resume on July 24th.
Wedding Shower
Join us for a wedding shower honoring Caroline Farish & Easton Kirkbride on Sunday, August 4 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the atrium. Easton and Caroline are registered at Amazon, Target, Anthropologie, Williams Sonoma, Crate & Barrell.
Youth Ministry

  • Sunday, July 14th: No Summer Sunday Night Connect this week.
  • Wednesday, July 24th: Intern Going Away Party! More details to come!

Prayer Requests
Prayer List—Debbie Black, Peggy  Porter, Linda Martindale, Che Che Smith, Waymon Hinson, Patrick Mullins, Neal & Judy Odom, Kathy Hitchcock, Arlene Joines
Ongoing Needs—Chris Reinsch, Elizabeth Phillips, Floyd Clark, Lisa Cobble
Homebound—Daisy Miller, Dewey & Joyce Martin
MissionsHammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez famaily (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Jhon & Deisy Gonzalez (Bogota, Colombia), Adrian & Gabriela Galvan (Paraiso, Monterrey)
Friends of Park Avenue—Rebekah Taylor, Nicholas Taylor (great niece & nephew of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, Director of orphanage in Mexico), Greg Oliver (father of Karee Earnhart), Marsha Jones (former member), Charlotte Harris (great niece of Steve & Donna Hodge
Please notify the church office at for updates.
Good morning and welcome to our worship service. If you are a guest with us this morning we welcome you and invite you to join in with us as we honor our Creator and Savior.

This morning in our sermon time we will take a look at a familiar passage from Galatians—the fruit of the Spirit. Paul gives us a list of qualities that should characterize spirit-filled believers and what a great list it is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Read that list over again slowly.

Imagine if our lives were marked by these qualities. Imagine how our relationships would change. Imagine how our effectiveness as Christians would change. Imagine how much less stress and anxiety we would experience.

We may think that these qualities are only reserved for the super-spiritual, but Paul never makes that distinction. He asserts that these should not only be present but should be expected by a person who is living a life in the Spirit. I think that’s one reason he uses the term “fruit.” Fruit is the natural produce of a plant or tree.  Those nine qualities should be the natural produce of a believer.

Too often I find myself and others simply resigning to the fact that we are not patient or we don’t have self-control, and so on. And so we give up even believing we could be that type of person. That attitude is really an affront to the Spirit. In the end, it’s not you who work to attain these qualities, it’s the Spirit working in you. By denying that we can experience that fruit we are actually denying the power of the Spirit of God.

I want that fruit. I need that fruit. Today we will challenge ourselves to unleash the power of the Spirit in our lives allowing that fruit to be abundant in our lives.

Tomorrow starts one of the busiest weeks here at PACOC—Christian Theater Workshop. Over 150 kids and volunteers will fill the Ark with music, crafts, Bible lessons, and other activities. Make it a point to support our kids by attending one of the performances next Saturday and Sunday. We are so blessed with so many wonderful volunteers that make CTW happen!

Sunday Schedule
Adult Bible Class
9AM Room D
10:00 AM
Children Dismissed to Bible Classes at
0 - 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center
Youth Group Activities
Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)
Meet at various times and locations