Congratulations to Robert & Madison Rosser on the birth of their baby girl, Lillian Morgan Rosser, born on January 18. Proud grandparents are Jimmy & Wynn Rosser.
Thank You
Thank you everyone for your prayers, assistance, support, love and kindness shown to us over the last 4 months. We appreciate each of you. Neal & Judy Odom
Youth Ministry
- January 23: Sunday Night Connect from 5:30-7:30 in the Gym.
- February 13: Sweetheart Banquet will be right after morning worship. Park Avenue Youth parents we are going to need your help!
The Senior Adult Ministry of the Park Avenue Church (which includes anyone 60 and above) will relaunch sometime in February. Planning is in the works and we hope to have a firm date soon. Stay tuned!
Discipleship Making Communities
Join the next 8-week Disciple-Making Movement Training that will begin Monday, February 7 from 12:00-1:00 PM. Contact Lantz Howard for further information.
Bridal Shower
Join us for a bridal shower in honor of Cina Catteau & Kevin Strickland on Sunday, February 6 from 1:30-3 PM in the Atrium. Cina & Kevin are registered at Target, Amazon & Traveler’s Joy.
Celebration of Marriage
On February 13 we will honor those couples who will celebrate a special anniversary this year. If your anniversary year ends in a ”2” or a “7” please submit one wedding and one recent picture by dropping them by the church office or email Todd at by no later than February 4.
Ladies Retreat - April 22-24
Save the date for our ladies retreat. Kirk off and sign up begins February 20.
Marriage Getaway Weekend - February 25-27
Register at for our couples retreat at Lake Murray State Lodge, Ardmore, OK. The cost is $200 per couple.
Sweetheart Banquet
Anyone over 60 is invited to stay after worship on February 13 for a meal served by our youth group.
Park Avenue Wednesday Supper
This Wednesday we are having Sandwiches, Chips, Salad & Desserts. Sign up on your communication card to let us know how many to prepare for.
Thana Furr, Mike Hardy, Jesse Sims, Kim Pendergrass, Linda Bell, Patrick Mullins, Amyee McAlister, Bettye Henry, June Washburn
Ongoing Needs
Shawn Landrum, Larry Long, Jim Scroggins, Corky Armstrong, Dewey Martin, Sandra Aynes, Bobby & Peggy Slaughter, Kaile Williams (Norris), Roy Galyon, Judy Odom, Mike Foltermann, Karen Brode
Ray & Marsha Jones, Chris Keene, JD Huffman
Expectant Mothers
Abigail Brooks, Jordan Honeycutt, Gabby Waller
Hammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia), Cristian & Ana Corrales (Bucaramanga, Colombia)
Friends of Park Avenue
Rebekah Taylor (great niece of the Russell’s), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez, Director of orphanage in Mexico), Kathy Hill (friend of Chris & Candsis Slaughter), Maxine Fulenchek (mother of Joe Fulenchek), Jane Bearden (sister of June Washburn), Jackie Cline (friend of Joyce Merworth), Minnie Gonzalez (friend of PACOC, Melba Ballou (former member)
Good morning and welcome to our worship. It is good to have everyone with us in person today and we are glad to have those of you who are joining us online.
As we are still in the beginnings of a new year let me fill you in on some financial news from the church.
Our 2022 budget is now available to view online at or you can request a paper copy from the office. Here are some highlights:
- Our weekly need has increased by 2.5%. Please consider an appropriate increase in your contributions to reflect this increase.
- We have added support for an additional Children's Home (Lubbock Children's Home). We now help support 6 children's home.
- We have added an additional mission point in Colombia, South America - Cristian & Ana Corrales in Bucaramanga. They are overseen by Great Cities Missions.
- Our Grace Offering this year is $154,200 which includes many of our Outreach Ministries, including Barnabas Center and Local Assistance. Grace Offering will be Easter Sunday, April 17.
- We have had to increase our building maintenance budget to account for anticipated repairs and improvements as the building ages.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Blake Smith or any of the Elders. We encourage all our members to generously give to the ministry of the Park Avenue Church of Christ. Contributions can be deposited in the boxes at the rear of the Worship Center, or you can mail your contributions to the church office, or you can use our online giving platform, Tithely. Thank you so much for your ongoing financial support.
Another financial note: Due to unforeseen circumstances we were not able to sell our two lots and use those proceeds to help pay off the Ark. We still hope to sell those in the near future. However, in light of that we will use at least a portion of our Fifth Sunday Contribution on January 30 and apply that to the mortgage.
Covenant Sunday
Covenant Sunday has been moved to Sunday, February 6. Please make plans to be here as we recommit ourselves to the Lord and our service through this church.
Sunday Schedule
Adult Bible Class - 9AM Atrium
Worship - 10:00 AMChildren Dismissed to Bible Classes at - 10:45-11:30AM2 & 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center
Youth Group Activities - 5:30-7:30PM Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)Meet at various times and locations. Contact Lantz Howard for more information, or sign up at