Join us tonight at 5:15PM for our Park Avenue Wednesday Supper followed by one of our new DMC’s from 6:30-7:30PM. You can go to for more details.  
Covenant Sunday
This coming Sunday, January 12th we will bring in the New Year with our annual Covenant Sunday when we challenge every member to recommit themselves to their walk with the Lord and their service to the kingdom through this body of believers. This is a opportune time for all of us to go through a time of self-examination as we evaluate our level of spirituality. Our theme this year is from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane shortly before his crucifixion. Jesus is praying for believers then and even now that we all may acknowledge that truth is found in the Word of God.
Our senior adult ministry will meet next Monday, January 13th at 5:00 PM in the atrium for a game night.  Bring a finger food to share.
Let’s Get Acquainted Lunch
New members and guests are invited to a luncheon on Sunday, January 19th in the ARK immediately after worship. This is a great  opportunity for you to get to know our elders, ministry staff and their families.     
Women’s Retreat, April 25-27
Registration is now open for our annual Ladies Retreat at the Prothro Center on Lake Texoma. Becky Brooks will be returning as our speaker. The cost is $125 for overnight retreaters and $75 for day only retreaters. You can register at
Marriage Getaway
Registration is now open for our marriage getaway. This will be a the Chickasaw Retreat & Conference Center in Sulphur, OK, February 23-25. The cost is $300 per couple.  You can register at If you have any questions contact Basil McClure.
Lady Jacket Breakfasts
We will host our female athletes on January 16, 24, 31 and February 7 again this year. Register to volunteer at
Youth Ministry

  • Wednesday, January 8th: Come for dinner from 5:15-6:15pm. Class from 6:30-7:30pm. 
  • Sunday, January 12th: Connect from 5-7:30pm in the gym. Dinner will be provided! 
  • Wednesday, January 15th: Parents Meeting from 5:45-615pm in the Youth Suite. 
  • January 17th-19th: Winterfest in Ft. Worth. Please register by January 8th!