Join us tonight at 5:15 PM for our PAWS meal followed by a movie night in the atrium at 6:30pm. We will have some popcorn snacks available for the movie called The Heart of Texas, a true story of tragedy and forgiveness.
Next Wednesday
Join us next Wednesday, August 28th for our Minister’s Cook Off in the courtyard at 6:00 PM.  Bring a lawn chair!
Parent & Church Commitment
This Sunday, August 25th is our Parent and Church Commitment Sunday. During our worship  service we will honor our families with new babies and commit as a church body to assist them in their children’s spiritual development.
Coming This Fall
Fall is fast approaching!  A full list of our Fall Discipleship Communities for all ages is available on the app or on the website.  Paper copies are also available from the church office.
New Sunday Morning Bible Class
There will be a new Sunday morning adult Bible class for younger adults beginning on Sunday, September 8th from 9:00-9:45 am in the Youth Suite. Greg Clay will be leading a study on 1 Peter. There will be a class for children during this time for those parents attending Bible class. The current adult class will continue to meet in Room D
Celebrate Recovery
Paul Waggoner will be leading a Celebrate Recovery Step Study for men on Thursday evenings at his home beginning August 29th.  If you would like more   information contact Paul at (903) 821-0113.
Youth Ministry

  • Tonight Aug. 21st: Park Avenue Youth will join the rest of the church for Movie night in the Atrium! Dinner from 5:15-6:15 and Movie starts at 6:30 and will be over by 7:30pm. 
  • Sunday Aug. 25th: Connect Kickoff for this School Year! We are looking forward to getting our Connect groups back together. We hope your students will join us Sunday from 5-7:30pm. 
  • Wednesday Aug. 28th: Ministers Cookoff Starting at 6pm. No Bible classes. 
  • Oct. 12th-13th: Fall Retreat