Join us tonight at 5:15 PM for our PAWS meal. We are having Hot Ham & Cheese Sliders prepared by Shelly Calvert and her team.  This will be followed by the second part of The God Who Speaks series in the atrium at 6:30 p.m. 
Next Wednesday
Next Wednesday we will have our PAWS meal followed by a time of praise and worship in the Worship Center at 6:30pm.  Make plans to join us!
Youth Ministry

  • Wednesday, July 31st: Dinner from 5:15-6:15. Youth Room opens at 6 and our class begins at 6:30pm! 
  • Sunday, Aug. 4th: Summer Connect from 5:30-7:30 in the gym. Dinner will be provided. 
  • Wednesday, Aug. 7th: Park Avenue Youth Parents Meeting from 5:45-6:20pm in the youth Suite.
  • Sunday, Aug. 11th: Back to School Party at McClure’s Pool from 3:30-6pm and Back to School Community Prayer at 7pm.

Grief Share
A 13 week program of Grief Share began last weekend. This is a recovery and support program for those grieving the death of a family member or friend.  They meet on Saturdays from 10AM-12 noon in Room D, and will run through October 19th. You can sign up on the app or contact Stewart Bolerjack for more information.
Wedding Shower
Join us for a wedding shower honoring Caroline Farish & Easton Kirkbride this Sunday, August 4 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the atrium. Easton and Caroline are registered at Amazon, Target, Anthropologie, Williams Sonoma and Crate & Barrell.
Bridges To Life Prison Ministry
Bridges to Life, a ministry for healing crime victims and rehabilitating offenders, will begin the next session at the Buster Cole and Choice Moore units in Bonham on August 13th. For more information visit the website at If you are interested in participating in this ministry please contact Paul Waggoner (903) 821-0113.
Barnabas Center
The Barnabas Center is in need of volunteers for their in-house shopping on the first and third Wednesday and Thursday of each month. Volunteer positions needed are: Assisting in unloading food once a week, Organizing and Stocking shelves, Checking food expiration dates, Organizing refrigeration units, Redistributing excess items to other agencies, Communication through scheduling, newsletters, and thank you notes. Contact Karen Elmore at 903-816-0121 or Jimmy Elmore at 903-815-4480 for more  information.
Park Avenue Wednesday Suppers
We are in need of leaders and helpers to prepare our Park Avenue Wednesday Suppers. If you can help and are willing to serve in this way contact Shelly Calvert.