Congratulations to Tyler & Alissa Cope on the birth of their baby girl, Finleigh Ruth Cope born on Monday, January 23, weighing 7lb, 13 oz and 19 and 3/14 inches long. Alissa and Finleigh are doing well!
Grief Share
Grief Share is a recovery and support group for those grieving the loss of a family member or friend. This is a 13 week program that will take place on Saturdays beginning on Saturday, February 11 from 10-12 noon in Room D. The program will be lead by Anthony Bryant. The cost is $20 to cover the workbook and video curriculum. Register on the app or at
Youth Ministry
- January 25th: Come for dinner between 5:15-6:15! Class starts at 6:30pm as we continue our series
on wisdom!
- January 29th: Connect from 5:30-7:30 in the gym! Dinner will be provided!
- February 12th: Sweetheart Banquet! Youth group parents please sign up to help! See Tyler for the sign up list. Also that day the Youth Group Super Bowl party will be 5-9ish in the gym.
Sweetheart Banquet
Anyone over 60 is invited to stay after church on Sunday, February 12 for a meal served by our youth group.
Ladies Retreat
Mark your calendars for our annual ladies retreat that will be held at the Prothro Center from April 21-23. Registration will begin on February 19.
Elder Selection Schedule
Shown below is the elder selection nomination period:
Jan 22-Feb 5 - Nomination Period
Jan 22 & Jan 29 - Sermons on Eldership
Feb 19 - Nominees Presented to Congregation
Mar 5 - Installation & Reaffirmation