Covenant Sunday
We have decided to postpone Covenant Sunday until February 6. We hope by that date to have more   in-person attendance. However, we will still have in-person worship this Sunday, January 23.
Youth Ministry

  • January 19: No Dinner tonight. Youth room will be open at 6:00pm and our new series will start at 6:30pm.
  • January 23: Sunday Night Connect from 5:30-7:30 in the Gym.
  • February 13: Sweetheart Banquet will be right after morning worship. Park Avenue Youth parents we are going to need your help!

Discipleship Making Communities
Join the next 8-week Disciple-Making Movement Training that will begin Monday, February 7 from 12:00-1:00 PM. Learn how a few people can lead a discipleship movement in Texoma. This training is open to anyone who is spiritually hungry to see God move in our community. Contact Lantz Howard for further information.
Parkview Church of Christ
On Monday evenings from 7-8 PM, beginning on January 24, Parkview Church of Christ will be studying Historical Christian Evidences. Call Max Lash if you have any questions, 417-274-7934.
Marriage Getaway Weekend - February 25-27
Register at for our couples retreat at Lake Murray State Lodge, Ardmore, OK. The cost is $200 per couple.

Sweetheart Banquet
We will honor our senior members on February 13th with our annual Sweetheart Banquet! Anyone over 60 is invited to stay after church for a meal served by our youth group. 

Wedding Shower
Join us for a bridal shower in honor of Cina Catteau & Kevin Strickland on Sunday, February 6 from 1:30-3 PM in the Atrium. Cina and Kevin are registered at Target, Amazon, & Traveler's Joy.

Ladies Retreat
Save the date for the 2022 Ladies Retreat that will be held on April 22-24. Kick off and sign-ups begin February 20.

Make sure you are connected to Elvanto, our Church Management System for access to the Member Directory, Online Giving, & more! Check your e-mail for setup instructions or login at Call the church office at 903-465-1288 with any questions.