Man Alive
Men, join us on Saturday, January 8 to kick off our first Man Alive breakfast together. Iron Sharpens Iron, and you do that by showing up and hearing the Word shared and an encouraging testimony from another man. This coming Saturday we will hear from Lance Claborn.
Bridal Shower
Join us for a bridal shower for Lindsee Pryor this Sunday, January 9 from 1:30-3 PM in the Atrium. Lindsee and Caleb are registered at Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and Amazon.
Youth Ministry

  • January 9: Connect kicks back off tonight from 5:30-7:30 PM. We will have dinner, worship, connect groups, and more!
  • January 14-16: Winterfest! You can still register but please register ASAP! We will Leave Park Avenue Friday the 14 at 4:30 PM PM.
  • February 13: Sweetheart Banquet will be right after morning worship. Park Avenue Youth parents we are going to need your help!

Discipleship Making Communities
Start your year walking with God and join others in that journey in one of the Disciple Making Community offerings on Wednesday night. A DMC is offered for all ages, and stages of life. 
Do you feel overwhelmed? Constantly distracted? And you are ready to hear the voice of God and live life to the fullest in 2022? Join a new DMC on Wednesday night as Lantz Howard shares about how you can live a focused life and get more done by taking time to slow down and center on powerful spiritual practices that will transform your life, business, family, and marriage in 2022. 

What would it take to see Texoma transformed for the gospel and 100 people to come to Christ in 2022?  Join the next 8-week Disciple-Making Movement Training that will begin February 6 at 12:00 PM. Learn how a few people can lead a discipleship movement in Texoma. This training is open to anyone who is spiritually hungry to see God move in our community. 

Marriage Getaway Weekend - February 25-27
Register at for our couples retreat at Lake Murray State Lodge, Ardmore, OK. The cost is $200 per couple.