News and Notes

Thank You’s

Thank you so much for the beautiful and unusual plant. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. Thank you also for the many prayers said for our family.  Thanks, The Family of Marilyn Mitchell

We want to thank each of you who provided financial contributions to our family members impacted by the Sulphur, OK tornadoes.  Thanks to our Elders who provided a general donation on your behalf to the Vinita Avenue Church of Christ for general tornado relief, and to each of the workers who went and physically helped with the cleanup. Your gifts have made an eternal difference in many lives, Kevin & Dianna Dale

Wednesday Evenings During Summer

Join us this Wednesday for our PAWS in the Ark at 5:15 p.m. followed by the last in our series of Hymn Stories in the Atrium at 6:30 PM.  There will also be a class for children (1st-6th grade) at 6:30 p.m. called Fully Rely on God.  This will be lead by our youth interns and youth ministry students.   

Ice Cream Social

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 3rd.  We will have an ice cream social with entertainment provided by Oklahoma Christian Acapella Group New Reign in the ARK at 6:00 p.m.  There will be no PAWS that evening.

Serving Opportunity at Center Cross

Center Cross (a ministry providing food, laundry, and showers for the homeless) in Denison need volunteers to assist with laundry on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:45-12:45. Contact Barbara Bailey at 214-934-4797 or you can email

Christian Theater Workshop

Christian Theater Workshop is around the corner! Our 2024 Day Camp will be Monday through Friday, July 15-19 from 9:00am-3:00pm with two performances on Saturday, July 20 at noon and 7:00p.m. and the final performance on Sunday, July 21 at 4:00p.m.

Opportunities to Serve our Young Families

The Children’s Ministry is in need of teachers and assistants on Wednesday nights for the month of August. We are also seeking someone to teach the Toddlers’ class on Wednesday evenings this summer. If you are looking for ways to serve contact Rachel McClure at 903-624-6156.

Youth Ministry

  • Sunday, June 23rd: There will be no Summer Connect due to camp.
  • Wednesday, June 26th: There will be no specific youth class please join the class in the atrium!
  • Mystery Trip July 5th-6th: Cost is $70 and you can register online! Registration Deadline is June 30th!

Todd's Take

Good morning and welcome to our worship service. If you are a guest with us this morning we welcome you and invite you to join in with us as we honor our Creator and Savior.

Thanks to Basil for filling in Sunday while I was away on vacation with our family. We got to worship with a small group of believers in Port Isabel, Texas and was blessed by that time together as the preacher reminded us of the depth of God's love demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan. God really does love you more than you can possibly imagine and the only thing that keeps us from that love is our own resistance to come home. If you’ve been a prodigal, please know that the Father is waiting desperately for you to come back home so he can lavish you with his boundless love. 

Being away from PACOC also is a good reminder to me that while we meet here in Denison, there are literally thousands upon thousands of other groups of believers meeting around the world. The great commission of Jesus to go to all the world is being realized! How amazing that a small group of Jesus followers have grown into a spiritual family of millions. Let’s continue the trend and let everyone know that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords!

This morning in the sermon time I will continue a series of lessons on King David. Last episode of The Crown we met a David we were unprepared for—one who lapsed into selfishness and deceit as he took Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed in battle. David may have thought that he had kept all of this under wraps, but today we will read about a brave and courageous prophet, Nathan, who confronts David with his sin. In contrast to his predecessor Saul, David’s reaction to spiritual correction is one of confession and repentance. Today we will talk about effective confrontation and true repentance—qualities we all need to hone to become the holy people God has called us to be.

We have a couple of more episodes of The Crown and after that I will take on some more of your Parishioner’s Picks. So, be thinking of a passage or passages that you want me to preach from and I’ll do my best to clarify any questions you might have and/or illuminate a scripture that is meaningful to you.