Fall Discipleship Communities
Our Fall Discipleship Making Communities are in full swing.  It is not too late to join a group. Every member is encouraged to be a part of a spiritual community as we all pursue a deeper relationship with God and others. A full list of our Fall Discipleship Communities for all ages is available on the app or on the website.  Contact Todd if you have any questions.
Lady Jacket Breakfasts
We will host another Lady Jacket Breakfast this Friday, September 20th. If you are looking for a great way to serve our DISD students, here it is!  Contact Tyler if you want to help out. You can also sign up on the app.
Barnabas Food Drive
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive is well underway and will run through Sunday, September 29th. This will assist the Barnabas Food Pantry as they prepare to hand out Thanksgiving boxes over the Thanksgiving holiday. Tabs are available in the atrium – so go ahead and grab a tab or two to help us stock our pantry!  
Four Rivers Outreach Giving Banquet
Four Rivers will have an outreach giving banquet on September 24 featuring The Isaacs at 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn. For more information please call 903-870-4000 or visit www.fourrivers.org
We are needing a couple of people to set up tables and chairs for PAWS on Wednesdays before 4 p.m.  Please contact Gary or Shelly Calvert if you can help.
Trunk ‘n Treat
Mark your calendar for our Trunk ‘n Treat on Sunday, October 27th,5-7 p.m. in the church parking lot. We need folks to volunteer their trunk. If you would be willing to volunteer your trunk, register on the app.
Guest Wifi
We have a new guest network password. It is “pacocguest”.
Youth Ministry

  • Wednesday September 18th: Dinner from 5:15-6:15pm. Youth Room opens at 6pm and we will continue our series at 6:30pm. 
  • Sunday September 22nd: Connect in the gym from 5-7:30pm. Dinner will be provided! 
  • Monday September 23rd: Word up at the Cope’s House from 7-8:15pm. 
  • Wednesday September 25th: National See You at the Pole Day! Check with your schools for what they are doing for see you at the Pole. 
  • Fall Retreat October 12-13th: Register Online!