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Our Purpose

This ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women, and to provide opportunities to serve and reach our community for Christ. Seek Him continually. Serve Him faithfully. Share Him boldly.

Our Events

  • Park Avenue offers classes and opportunities for service on Wednesday mornings at their Mary/Martha class at the building at 10 AM
  • Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM, we offer Disciple Making Communities for Woman.
  • A highlight of the Ladies Ministry is their annual retreat - see the video below for some highlights!

Sewing Ministry

Since 2015, a dedicated Sewing Ministry serves at Park Avenue. These ladies meet on Tuesday mornings and have made hundreds of items that have benefited not only the local community, but also Haiti, Togo, Swaziland and Panama. Some of the items made are: hospital totes & pillows, sanitary kits, surgical hats, chemo pillows, nursing home bibs, baby items and treat bags for kids. More than 500 have been made and delivered in Texoma and around the world! If you have an interest in being a part of this ministry, contact the church office.

Join our Ladies' Ministry Group on Facebook

Highlights From This Year's Ladies' Retreat