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This Fall we are updating our member photos for our online Church Directory! It has been several years since we have taken photos of our members, so we believe this is an important endeavor to keep our online directory current and updated. 

This will be different from photo sessions in years past as we will be doing everything ourselves. We will have volunteers taking your pictures, and there will be no sales. We hope to speed up the process as well, as each family will come in for a snapshot and be on their way in a few minutes. 

 Please sign up for a time slot below to have your family's picture made. Use the "calendar view" (calendar icon on the right hand side) to more easily see the dates on which time slots are available.

We will be taking pictures beginning September 17 and concluding October 15. We have times on Sundays and Wednesdays before and after church and we will have some times during the week. If you are able to sign up during the week, that would be really helpful. That will allow those individuals and families who have more rigid schedules to sign up on the church days.

Only one slot is needed per family.

Photos will be taken at the church building in Room A (near the Atrium kitchen).

Each family that participates will receive a free 5x7 print of their family photo.

Contact the church office at or 903-465-1288 with any questions.

Sign Up for a Time Slot