Grace Offering is our annual contribution to support the outreach ministries of Park Avenue Church.

We are preparing for our Grace Offering on Easter Sunday, April 20, with a financial goal of $165,350 to fund our outreach ministries locally and globally. We are calling on everyone to give generously, as this represents almost 8 times our regular weekly budget. We commend our Park Avenue family for your generosity. Since initiating the Grace Offering eight years ago, you have contributed over $1,550,000 to our outreach ministries!

This year, in addition to our ongoing mission points, we are partnering with one new missionary team in Rio Branco, Brazil! We pray that these outreach efforts will continue to spread the message of Jesus and show God's love and compassion to those around us.

Rio Branco Team
Edinelson, Ivan & Erica, and João & Alana

The Rio Branco team is newly supported by Park Avenue this year! 

The Rio Branco mission team arrived in January 2025 to establish the first-ever Church of Christ in Rio Branco, Brazil. Three families - Edinelson, Moisés & Erica (with daughter Isabela), and João & Alana - are strategically settled across different neighborhoods to reach the entire city. After months of preparation in Brasilia, they’ve begun making contacts with potential converts, held their first worship service on January 26th, and are exploring options for meeting spaces in schools and public buildings to expand their pioneering ministry.

Ministries Supported by Grace Offering

The generosity of Park Avenue members helps these people, programs, and organizations spread the gospel throughout Texoma and far beyond.

Cristian & Ana Corrales
Cristian and Ana Corrales are members of a team dedicated to planting self-sustaining and reproducing churches in Bucaramanga, Colombia, aiming to multiply small groups and make disciples who spread the love of Jesus.
Alejandro & Darling Lopez Garcia

The López family will be joining a Great Cities Mission church planting team in to Queretaro, Mexico this year.

Sebastian & Raquel Jimenez
Sebastian & Raquel serve the church in Cartagena, Colombia, focusing on evangelism, discipleship, and community outreach, facilitating face-to-face home group meetings, virtual prayer sessions, and youth gatherings.
Mario Pepe & Maribel Torres
The Torres family has served in Monterrey, Mexico for 8 years, with Mario active in visitation, evangelism, and teaching at the thriving Zertuche church.
Adrian & Gabriela Galvan
Adrian and Gabriela are revitalizing the Church of Christ in Paraíso, Monterrey, after a period of turmoil, guiding it back to strength with support from mission partners like Mario Pepe Torres.
Baxter Institute
Baxter Institute is a Christian educational institution located in Honduras. Its purpose is to prepare students to become preachers, teachers, missionaries, and leaders among churches of Christ throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Hammer & Dela Afakule
Hammer and Dela serve God remarkably in Togo, West Africa, through church ministry, a wound care clinic, school, agricultural training, and rural gospel outreach.
ILAD partners with under-resourced communities, offering agricultural training like organic farming. Park Avenue partnered with ILAD last summer for an eye clinic in Tsevie, Togo. God is at work in this region! 
Eastern European Mission
EEM spreads God's Word in Eastern Europe and beyond, freely distributing Bibles and materials to various groups and institutions in over 30 countries and 20 languages through a wide network of partner organizations.
Jeff Holland (Pioneer Bible Translators)
Pioneer Bible Translators aims for transformation by bringing people to Jesus through Bible translation, church planting, discipleship, and prayer, focusing on the most marginalized and hard-to-reach language groups worldwide.
Local Assistance/HEAT/Shelter
These funds support the Homeless Empowerment Action Team and the Texoma Family Shelter, resources for the homeless community in Texoma. 
Congregational Mission Trips
This fund helps defray the cost for PA members who participate in congregational mission trips to Casa de la Esperanza and other locations.
PACOC Individual Missions
This fund helps support Park Avenue members on their individual mission trips. 
The Turning Point
The Turning Point is an outreach in Durant providing for the spiritual and physical needs of the community. They meet for worship and fellowship on Sunday nights.
College Ministry
Park Avenue members provide social and spiritual events for students at Grayson College here in Denison.
McClure Conference to Brazil
Basil and Rachel periodically return to Brazil for conferences. They spent several years there as missionaries and are always blessed by their time there! 

Grace Offering Breakdown of Funds

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